Researchers have developed a tiny hybrid robot capable of identifying and capturing individual living cells. The robot, which measures just 0.001 square millimeters, uses a combination of biological and mechanical components to detect and capture cells with a high level of precision.

The robot is made up of a single living cell that is attached to a small mechanical arm. The arm is coated with a special material that enables it to capture cells by mimicking how cells attach to one another. The robot is also equipped with a tiny camera that allows it to identify and locate cells that are of interest.

The researchers tested the robot by using it to capture various types of cells, including yeast cells, blood cells, and cancer cells. They found that the robot was able to capture cells with a high degree of accuracy and that it was able to do so without causing any damage to the cells.

The tiny size of the robot means that it has potential applications in a range of fields, including medicine and biotechnology. It could be used to capture individual cells for analysis or diagnosis or to deliver drugs or other treatments directly to specific cells within the body.

Overall, the development of this tiny hybrid robot represents a significant step forward in the field of robotics and has the potential to revolutionize how cells are studied and treated.