Welcome to the first edition of the Computer Vision Landscape report.

Built by computer vision experts for computer vision experts, this report sets the standard for current market insights. It offers an overview of the computer vision landscape in 2022, what’s driving the market, the challenges, and the emerging trends.

The computer vision market is expected to grow to US$17.4 billion by 2023. But what are its leaders viewing as challenges, opportunities, and drivers? What exciting trends can we expect to see next year?

There are several factors contributing to the growth of computer vision in recent years. Advances in deep learning technology for one, as algorithms become increasingly capable of processing large numbers of images.

Hardware, as well, has evolved to process petabytes of data quickly and efficiently, with advances in real-time processing and vision capabilities. But that’s not all – data sets have grown, and the growth in available open-source data has allowed algorithms to be trained with greater accuracy.

This report provides:

🏎️ Insights on main drivers behind the growing adoption of computer vision.

🚀 An overview of the market’s big players.

❌ An understanding of what the biggest challenges facing the integration of computer vision are right now.

Are you wondering:

  • What key motivators are shaping the industry?
  • What the biggest limitations are right now?
  • What upcoming trends you should keep an eye on?

Our report offers answers to these questions, along with some interesting statistics on what’s influencing companies’ decisions with computer vision.

What you’ll find inside:

❌ The biggest limitation of computer vision - with 42.3% of votes!

🤩 What’s seen as the most exciting computer vision technique.

🤔 The surprising key motivator with just 4.2% of votes.

🖥️ Computer vision trends for 2023, as predicted by experts.

So, what are you waiting for?

Grab your copy today and have a look at what 100s of computer vision experts had to say! 👇